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About the Author

About the Author

Robert Nimmrich on Who wants to be a Millionaire chair
Greetings, fellow Pokémon Trainers! My name is Robb, I'm 29 years old and I'm currently living in Berlin. Originally, I'm from Thuringia, also called "The green heart of Germany". I did my A-Level in Eisenach, Thuringia, before I started my studies in Jena, which is also situated in Thuringia. There I finished my bachelor's degree in Economics and later on my master's degree in Business Administration, where I focussed on statistics, marketing, finance and risk management.
The biggest passion in my life is music. Since I'm a singer and songwriter, there is no day without singing, not even one minute. In order to show my talent and to find out wheather the people like my music, I participated in the German variant of "The American Idol", which is called "Deutschland sucht den Superstar". There, I made it to the Top 100 of about 36000 participants, which made me very proud. Another passion of me is gaming. I started playing video games when I was a 5-year-old Robb. Starting with a Gameboy Color and a Nintendo 64, I never stopped plaing and loving Pokémon on all Nintendo devices. Also I participated in several competitive Pokémon tournaments long time ago with my Nintendo DS and Pokémon Diamond. Today I'm actively playing Pokémon Violet. Due to my experience in playing Pokémon competitively, it is an honor for me to show you a couple of tips and tricks you maybe don't know yet. My favourite Pokémon are Eevee and Teddiursa. There is no cuter one in the entire world of Pokémon. Mark my words: You are NEVER too old for Pokémon!
The reason why I started coding this website is simple. I started my career as a web developer in spring 2023 by studying at the Digital Career Institute (DCI). By participating in an orientation course I briefly learned the basics of web development and online marketing. Since I have already deepened my knowledge in the field of online marketing as part of my master's studies, my interest was more focused on web development in the orientation course. Meanwhile web development became another passion of me, wherefore I started the in-depth web development course for one year at DCI in June 2023.
Robert Nimmrich on Who wants to be a Millionaire chair
Name Robb
Age 29
Habitat Berlin
Type FireDark
Profession Web Development Student
Passions Singing, Songwriting, Gaming, Fitness, Web Development
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